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作者:jaminsu  文章来源:医学教育网  点击数  更新时间:2013/4/13 16:54:20  文章录入:admin  责任编辑:admin

Ignored Injuries Can Become Chronic InjuriesBy Janet Frank Atkinson 小伤不治成大患珍尼特 • 富兰克 • 阿特金森 
As the hibernating bear inside of us wakes with the warm temperatures, many hit the running trails, walking paths and softball fields. However, a common problem that newly renewed exercise enthusiasts have is overtraining. This overuse, according to physical therapist Melinda Tarquinio, can lead to injury.  当我们体内的冬眠熊随温暖的气温醒来时,很多人就开始跑步了。但是很多锻练新手常见的毛病是训练过度。据理疗师梅林达·塔奎尼奥说,这种过度可能导致损伤。 
Sometimes, it's the 20-to-40-year-old crowd getting sore shoulders from too much softball and not enough stretching, Tarquinio said. But injuries also happen outside the realm of physical training. “Some people [get injured] just doing everyday activities such as cutting their grass,” she said. Tarquinio said many patients write off their injuries as simple soreness and keep playing or exercising, causing more damage.  有时,20至40岁的人常常因垒球运动过度或伸展运动不足而导致两肩酸痛。事实上,体育锻练之外的一些活动也会造成损伤。有些人就是因为一些日常活动而受伤,如割草。有些人把它当做是小毛病,不屑一顾,继续打球或运动,结果伤得更重。 
Ignored injuries can become chronic injuries, and “the inflammatory process keeps occurring over and over. If it's something where you strained a tendon, then it becomes tendonitis. It's going to weaken that muscle and take longer to heal,” Tarquinio said.
Daniel Higgins, a physical therapist, said injuries can cause a domino effect of ailments when not treated. “When the body is not ready for all that kind of stress, it leads up to some kind of injury,” he said. “It's not one big injury. It's a tiny little injury that happens a hundred times and, then, the tissue becomes irritated or inflamed. … Now, you are at risk for injury in other structures because everything is not working together like it should.” 
One way to prevent these injuries is to stay active year-round. Any physical activity should be undertaken gradually and include cardiovascular, flexibility and strength exercises, Tarquinio said.
Another key to preventing injuries is through stretching and increasing flexibility. Tarquinio recommends a five-to-ten-minute warm-up, such as walking or biking, followed by stretching the major muscle groups, which include the leg muscles, large back muscles, chest and shoulders. Hold each stretch at least 30 seconds, performing each stretch two or three times. After working out, stretch again. 
However, if you feel that you might have a sports-related injury, seek help from a physician. “If it's something that does not go away within five to seven days, I would seek a doctor's opinion,” Tarquinio said. If you do not feel that your injury is serious enough to warrant a trip to the doctor, Tarquinio recommends treating the injury – within the first 72 hours – using the “RICE” method: rest, ice, compression and elevation.  不过,如果你觉得你可能出现运动损伤,你就应该去看医生。如果你觉得伤得不是很厉害,没必要去看医生,那就不妨试一试这套“RICE”治疗法:休息、冰块、压敷和抬高。 
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