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心理学词汇(psychology) 7
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心理学词汇(psychology) 7
作者:jaminsu  文章来源:医学教育网  点击数  更新时间:2013/1/25 23:08:24  文章录入:admin  责任编辑:admin

  女性化  femininity

  社会定型  social stereotype

  国民性  national character

  从众  conformity

  群体规范  group norm

  群体压力  group pressure

  服从权威  obedience to authority

  米尔格拉姆服从实验  Milgram's obedience experiment

  权威人格  authoritarian personality

  说服  persuasion

  顺从  submission

  依从  compliance

  暗示  suggestion

  时尚  fad

  时髦  fashion

  利他主义  altruism

  利他行为  altruistic behavior

  助人行为  helping behavior

  社会接触  social contact

  社会交往  social communication

  社会学习  social learning

  社会强化  social reinforcement

  社会赞许  social approval

  社会愿望  social desirability

  社会期望  social expectation

  社会适应  social adjustment

  心理逆反  psychological reactance又称“逆反心理”。一种对抗外部控制措施企图恢复自由感的动机状态。

  回避行为  avoidance behavior

  自我中心论  egotism

  内疚  guilt

  羞耻  shame

  动机性选择  motivated selectivity

  人格情境互动  personality-situation interaction

  责任扩散  diffusion of responsibility

  去个体化  deindividuation

  旁观者效应  bystander effect

  旁观者介入与冷漠  bystander intervention and apathy

  沟通模式  communication model

  大众沟通  mass communication

  大众传媒  mass media

  非言语沟通  nonverbal communication

  沟通网络  communication network

  社会隔离  social isolation

  孤独  loneliness

  合作  cooperation

  竞争  competition

  相互性规范  norm of reciprocity

  个人空间  personal space

  功能距离  functional distance

  平衡理论  balance theory

  一致性理论  congruity theory

  人际吸引理论  theory of interpersonal attraction

  社会比较理论  social comparison theory

  社会交换理论  social exchange theory

  符号互动理论  symbolic interaction theory

  认知相符理论  cognitive consistence theory

  关系论  relationship theory

  对象-关系学说  object-relation theory

  打折扣原则  discounting principle

  符号学习理论  sign-learning theory

  符号-格式塔-期待理论  sign-Gestalt-expectancy theory

  群体  group

  大群体  large group

  小群体  small group

  外群体  out group

  假设群体  assumed group

  标准群体  standard group

  参照群体  reference group

  非正式群体  informal group

  群体结构  group structure

  群体行为  group behavior

  群体意识  group consciousness

  群体思维  group thinking

  群体理论  group theory

  群体决策  group decision

  群体凝聚力  group cohesiveness

  凝聚力  cohesiveness

  集体  collective

  集体[成员]自决  collective self-determination

  群众心理学  crowd psychology

  群众  crowd

  群众行为  crowd behavior

  群际关系  intergroup relation

  群际行为  intergroup behavior

  应用社会心理学  applied social psychology

  网络社会心理学  network social psychology

  民意调查  public-opinion poll

  社会感染  social contagion

  社会气氛  social climate

  社会压力  social pressure

  社会作用理论  social impact theory

  社交图  socialgram

  教育心理学  educational psychology

  学习心理学  psychology of learning

  智育心理学  psychology of intellectual education

  德育心理学  psychology of moral education

  教学心理学  instructional psychology

  学科心理学  psychology of school subjects

  阅读心理学  psychology of reading

  教育社会心理学  educational social psychology

  学习理论  theory of learning

  学习的联结说  connection theory of learning

  尝试错误  trial and error

  学习律  law of learning

  练习律  law of exercise

  效果律  law of effect

  准备律  law of readiness

  相属律  law of belongingness

  多重反应原则  principle of multiple responses

  学习的习惯说  habit theory of learning

  频因律  law of frequency

  近因律  law of recency

  接近性条件作用说  contiguity conditioning theory

  全或无学习  all-or-none learning

  内驱力递减说  drive descending theory

  学习的目的-认知说  goal-cognition theory of learning

  潜伏学习  latent learning

  迷津学习  maze learning

  工具性学习  instrumental learning

  顿悟学习  insight learning

  学习的场论  field theory of learning

  认知-发现说  cognition-discovery theory

  认知-同化说  cognition-assimilation theory

  学习的联结-认知论  connectional-cognitive theory of learning

  经验论  empiricism

  学习  learning

  学习活动  learning activity

  学习过程  learning process

  学习程序  learning procedure

  学习曲线  learning curve

  学习的输入  input of learning

  学习的反馈  feedback of learning

  结果知觉  knowledge of result, KR

  学习类型  learning type

  联想[性]学习  associational learning

  系列学习  serial learning

  配对联想学习  paired association learning

  言语学习  verbal learning

  非言语学习  nonverbal learning

  偶然学习  contingency learning

  识别学习  identification learning

  直觉学习  intuitive learning

  有意学习  intentional learning

  有目的的学习  goal-directed learning

  自主学习  autonomic learning

  认知学习  cognitive learning

  发现学习  discovery learning

  意义学习  meaningful learning

  机械学习  rote learning

  学习测量  measurement of learning

  学习评定  evaluation of learning

  学习效果  learning effect

  学习效率  learning efficiency

  学习系数  learning coefficient

  学习与成熟  learning and maturation

  学习准备  learning readiness

  学习动机  learning motivation

  学习内驱力  learning drive

  学习诱因  learning incentive

  学习的外在动机  extrinsic motivation of learning

  学习的内在动机  intrinsic motivation of learning

  学习态度  learning attitude

  学习动机的激发  activation of learning motivation

  替代强化  vicarious reinforcement

  学习迁移  transfer of learning

  特殊迁移  specific transfer

  一般迁移  general transfer

  共同要素说  common element theory

  迁移的分析-概括说  analysis-generalization theory of transfer

  学习定势  learning set

  知识的掌握  mastery of knowledge

  知识的理解  comprehension of knowledge

  知识的巩固  consolidation of knowledge

  符号学习  sign learning

  概念学习  concept learning

  命题学习  propositional learning

  规则学习  rule learning

  归属学习  subsumptive learning

  肯定例证  positive instance

  否定例证  negative instance

  智力技能  intellectual skill

  智力活动  intellectual activity

  智力活动的内化  internalization of intellectual activity

  智力活动的外化  externalization of intellectual activity

  学习方法  learning method

  学习策略  learning strategy

  操作技能  manipulative skill

  动作定向  action orientation

  动作示范  action modelling

  动作模仿  action imitation

  集中学习  massed learning

  集中练习  massed practice

  分散学习  piecemeal learning

  分配学习  distributed learning

  品德心理结构  mental structure of morality

  品德形成  formation of morality

  道德需要  moral need

  道德判断  ethical judgement

  道德行为  moral behavior

  学习能力  learning ability

  能力差异  difference of ability

  学习困难  difficulty of learning

  学习障碍  learning disorder

  学习无能  learning disability

  学习困境  learning dilemma

  学习方式  learning style

  布鲁纳教学原则  Bruner's instructional principle

  加涅学习层次[结构]  Gagne's hierarchy of learning

  加涅学习模式  Gagne's learning model

  自学辅导  self-study guidance

  个别教学  individualized instruction

  群体教学  group instruction

  教学媒体  instruction medium

  计算机辅助教学  computer-aided instruction, CAI

  程序教学  programmed instruction

  直线式程序  linear program

  分支式程序  branching program

  课堂纪律  classroom discipline

  课堂气氛  classroom dynamics

  课堂心理环境  classroom psychological environment

  惩罚  punishment

  教师期望效应  effect of teacher expectancy

  教师效能  teacher effectiveness

  医学心理学  medical psychology

  健康心理学  health psychology

  临床心理学  clinical psychology

  变态心理学  abnormal psychology

  护理心理学  nursing psychology

  咨询心理学  counseling psychology

  康复心理学  rehabilitation psychology

  缺陷心理学  defect psychology

  社区心理学  community psychology

  阿德勒心理学  Adlerian psychology

  心理病理学  psychopathology

  医学模式  medical model

  生物医学模式  biomedical model

  生物心理社会医学模式  biopsychosocial medical model

  国际疾病分类  international classification of disease

  生物医学  biomedicine

  社会医学  social medicine

  行为医学  behavioral medicine

  病因学  etiology

  高危人群  high risk group

  心理社会因素  psychosocial factor

  心理社会应激  psychosocial stress

  潜伏期  latency

  生活事件  life events

  创伤  trauma

  心因性障碍  psychogenic disorder

  急性心因性反应  acute psychogenic reaction

  症状  symptom

  综合征  syndrome

  躯体化  somatization

  评估  assessment

  康复  rehabilitation

  机体觉缺失  acenesthesia

  感觉消失  anesthesia

  注意障碍  attention deficit disorder, ADD

  注意增强  hyperprosexia

  认知障碍  cognitive disorder

  记忆增强  hypermnesia

  记忆减退  hypomnesia

  遗忘症  amnesia

  遗忘综合征  amnestic syndrome

  记忆错觉  memory illusion

  妄想  delusion

  否定妄想  delusion of negation

  关系妄想  delusion of reference

  疑病妄想  hypochondriac delusion

  嫉妒妄想  jealous delusion

  被害妄想  persecutory delusion

  继发性妄想  secondary delusion

  虚构症  confabulation

  定向力  orientation

  定向障碍  disorientation

  幻觉  hallucination

  味幻觉  gustatory hallucination

  机能性幻觉  functional hallucination

  幻肢  phantom limb

  假性幻觉  pseudo-hallucination

  身体意象  bodily image

  假性痴呆  pseudodementia

  情感障碍  affective disorder

  情感高涨  hyperthymia

  意念飘忽  flight of idea

  心境障碍  mood disorder

  情感减退  hypothymia

  情感淡漠  apathy

  情感倒错  parathymia

  兴趣缺失  anhedonia

  双相型障碍  bipolar disorder

  焦虑  anxiety

  状态焦虑  state anxiety

  特质焦虑  trait anxiety

  焦虑性障碍  anxiety disorder

  欣快  euphoria

  苦恼  distress

  挫折  frustration

  无助  helplessness

  积极关注  positive regard

  敌对  hostility

  意志缺失  abulia

  矛盾心态  ambivalence

  谵妄  delirium

  梦样状态  dreamy state

  健全人格  healthy personality

  不成熟人格  immature personality

  病态人格  psychopathic personality

  交替性人格  alternating personality

  反社会人格  antisocial personality

  双重人格  double personality

  多重人格  multiple personality

  回避型人格  avoidant personality

  癫●性人格  epileptoid personality

  被动-攻击性人格  passive-aggressive personality

  人格类型  personality type

  心理倾向  psychological disposition

  内向人格者  introvert

  外向人格者  extravert

  人格解体  depersonalization

  人格评估  personality assessment

  人格特质  personality trait

  核心特质  central trait

  最佳人格特质  optimal personality trait

  人格改变  personality change

  人格障碍  personality disorder

  反社会人格障碍  antisocial personality disorder

  回避型人格障碍  avoidant personality disorder

  边缘型人格障碍  borderline personality disorder

  强迫型人格障碍  compulsive personality disorder

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