  • 默认
  • 淡蓝
  • 宁夏
  • 新绿
  • 竹韵
  • 水墨
  • 星空
  • 奥运
  • 咖啡
  • 紫色







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作者:jaminsu  文章来源:医学教育网  点击数  更新时间:2013/1/25 23:08:24  文章录入:admin  责任编辑:admin

  电子显示器  electronic displays

  图形显示器  pictorial displays

  多功能显示器  multiple functional displays

  立体显示  stereo display

  信号灯  signal lights

  闪光信号  flash signal

  告警信号  warning signal

  听觉显示  auditory display

  听觉编码  auditory coding

  听觉显示器  auditory displays

  触觉显示  tactual display

  触觉显示器  tactual displays

  控制器  controls

  控制器编码  coding of controls

  控制器阻力  controls resistance

  控制-显示比  control-display ratio

  控制-显示兼容性  control-display compatibility

  机器人  robot

  中央控制室  central control room

  工作场所设计  workplace design

  链分析  link analysis

  模拟  simulation

  训练器  trainer

  训练迁移  training transfer

  培训评估  evaluation of training

  心理疲劳  mental fatigue

  心理负荷  mental load

  心理工作负荷  mental workload

  负荷应激  load stress

  低负荷  underload

  信息超负荷  information overload

  警觉  vigilance又称“警戒”。

  觉察时间  detection time

  物理环境  physical environment

  照明效应  illumination effect

  眩光  glare

  光源显色性  color-rendering properties of light source

  动态视敏度  dynamic visual acuity

  噪声效应  noise effect

  言语干扰级  speech interference level

  振动  vibration

  全身振动  whole-body vibration

  振动效应  vibration effect

  低温  low temperature

  高温  high temperature

  温度效应  temperature effect

  操作温度  operative temperature

  舒适温度  comfortable temperature

  习服  acclimatization

  加速度效应  acceleration effect

  失重  weightlessness

  超重  hypergravitation

  缺氧  anoxia

  低压  low pressure

  人体测量学  anthropometry

  工程人体测量学  engineering anthropometry

  航空航天心理学  aerospace psychology

  航天心理学  space psychology

  航空心理学  aviation psychology

  飞行错觉  flight illusion

  环境心理学  environmental psychology

  水下心理学  underwater psychology

  技术美学  technological aesthetics

  行为工程学  behavioral engineering

  仿生学  bionics

  管理科学  management science

  管理心理学  managerial psychology

  管理系统  management system

  管理信息系统  management information system, MIS

  管理开发  management development

  科学管理原理  principle of scientific management

  参与管理  participative management

  目标管理  management by objectives, MBO

  目标设置  goal setting

  人力资源  human resources

  管理理论  management theory

  管理方格  managerial grid

  权变理论  contingency theory

  公平理论  equity theory

  双因素理论  two-factor theory

  X 理论  theory X

  Y 理论  theory Y

  Z 理论  theory Z

  PM 理论  PM theory

  成就需要理论  theory of achievement need

  期望理论  theory of expectancy

  霍桑效应  Hawthorne effect

  霍桑研究  Hawthorne study

  管理决策  management decision-making

  决策理论  decision-making theory

  任务分析  task analysis

  职务分析  job analysis又称“工作分析”。

  职务分类  job classification

  动作研究[法  action research又称“行动研究[法]”。

  关键事件法  critical incident technique

  定向训练  orientation training

  群体训练  group training

  经济人  economic man

  内在激励  intrinsic motivation

  外在激励  extrinsic motivation

  付酬制度  payment system

  士气  morale

  绩效评价  performance appraisal

  工作生活质量  quality of worklife

  领导  leadership

  领导行为  leadership behavior

  领导行为连续体  continuum of leadership behavior

  领导权变论  contingency theory of leadership

  领导特质理论  trait theory of leadership

  组织心理学  organizational psychology

  正式群体  formal group

  正式组织  formal organization

  官僚机构  bureaucracy

  组织行为  organizational behavior

  组织设计  organizational design

  组织气氛  organizational climate

  组织发展  organizational development

  组织诊断  organizational diagnosis

  组织变革  organizational change

  人事心理学  personnel psychology

  工业社会心理学  industrial social psychology

  销售心理学  sales psychology

  劳动心理学  labor psychology

  效率  effectiveness

  工作效率  work efficiency

  工作曲线  work curve

  工作姿势  work posture

  工作负荷  workload

  工作热量  work calories

  工作扩大化  job enlargement

  工作丰富化  job enrichment

  工作简单化  job simplification

  工作评价  job evaluation

  工作满意[感]  job satisfaction

  轮班工作  shift work

  弹性工作时间  flexible working hours

  操作分析  operation analysis

  操作合理化  operation rationalization

  单调  monotony

  单调作业  monotonous work

  疲劳  fatigue

  疲劳曲线  fatigue curve

  视觉疲劳  visual fatigue

  肌肉疲劳  muscle fatigue

  工业工程  industrial engineering

  动作与时间研究  motion and time study

  动作经济原则  economic principle of motion

  安全心理学  safety psychology

  安全工程  safety engineering

  安全标准  safety criterion

  安全分析  safety analysis

  安全评价  safety evaluation

  安全训练  safety training

  人为失误  human error又称“人的差错”。

  人为失误分析  human error analysis

  事故倾向  accident proneness

  事故分析  accident analysis

  故障树分析  fault-tree analysis

  工作安全  job security

  职业心理学  occupational psychology

  职业临床心理学  occupational clinical psychology

  职业指导  occupational guidance

  职业咨询  occupational counseling

  职业选择  occupational choice

  工作安置  job placement

  人员选拔  personnel selection

  培训心理学  training psychology

  法制心理学  psychology of legality

  法制感  sense of legality

  法律心理学  legal psychology

  法律意识  legal consciousness

  立法心理学  legislative psychology

  司法心理学  judicial psychology

  诉讼心理学  litigation psychology

  侦查心理学  psychology of investigation

  犯罪心理痕迹  mental trace of crime

  警察心理学  psychology of the police

  审讯心理学  psychology of interrogation

  公诉心理学  psychology of public prosecution

  律师心理学  psychology of lawyer

  法庭心理学  psychology in court

  审判心理学  forensic psychology

  刑罚心理学  penal psychology

  刑罚威慑力  deterrence of penalty

  供述心理学  psychology of confession

  供述动机  motivation of confession

  供述障碍  confession obstacle

  证言心理学  psychology of testimony

  证言实验  testimony experiment

  证据辨认  evidence recognition

  调解心理学  psychology of mediation

  守法心理学  law-abiding psychology

  犯罪心理学  criminal psychology

  犯罪理论  theory of crime

  紧张理论  strain theory

  聚合效应论  theory of convergence effect影响犯罪心理产生的诸种因素的作用聚合在一起而具有产生犯罪心理活动效应的理论。

  反社会性  antisociality

  犯罪人格  criminal personality

  犯罪动机  criminal motivation

  犯罪行为  criminal behavior

  犯罪行为公式  formula of criminal behavior

  犯罪目的  goal of crime

  反社会行为  antisocial behavior

  激情犯罪  crime of passion

  应激犯罪  stress offence

  青春期危机  puberty crisis

  瞬间犯罪人  instantaneous criminal

  犯罪预测  prediction of criminality

  监狱心理学  prison psychology

  矫治心理学  correctional psychology

  罪犯心理矫治  correctional treatment of convict

  罪犯角色偏差  role deviation of convict

  罪犯攻击机制  aggressive mechanism of convict

  罪犯挫折反应  frustration response of prisoner

  罪犯变态心理  abnormal psychology of convict

  罪犯群体动力  group dynamics of convict

  罪犯心理卫生  mental health of convict

  罪犯心理档案  psychological file of convict

  罪犯心理治疗  mental treatment of convict

  回归心理学  rehabilitational psychology

  罪犯改造心理学  psychology of reforming prisoner

  体育心理学  exercise and physical education psychology

  运动心理学  sports psychology

  运动技能学习  motor skill learning

  闭锁性运动技能  closed motor skill

  开放性运动技能  open motor skill

  运动认知  sport cognition

  动作感觉  sense of motion

  客体运动知觉  object movement perception

  器械感  sense of apparatus

  球感  sense of ball

  场地感  sense of field

  节奏感  sense of rhythm

  速度感  sense of speed

  时间感  sense of time

  水感  sense of water

  专门化知觉  special perception

  运动表象  movement imagery

  动作概念  movement concept

  操作思维  operational thinking

  知觉预测  perceptual prediction

  动作练习曲线  practice curve of motion

  反应结构  reaction structure

  反应类型  reaction type

  运动意识  sports consciousness

  竞赛心理  competition psychology

  唤醒  arousal

  运动情绪  sports emotion

  运动兴奋情绪  exciting feeling in sports

  运动竞争情绪  competitive feeling in sports

  运动激愤情绪  excited and indignant feeling in sports

  倒 U 形假说  inverted U hypothesis

  逆转理论  reversal theory

  激变模型  catastrophe model

  运动焦虑  sports anxiety

  认知性焦虑  cognitive anxiety

  身体性焦虑  somatic anxiety

  运动焦虑症  sports anxiety symptom

  参赛动机  competitive motivation

  比赛心理定向  mental orientation in competition

  自我竞争  self-competition

  失败定向  failure orientation

  怯场  competition fright

  克拉克现象  Clarker phenomenon

  比赛自我意象  self-image in competition

  比赛型运动员  competition type athlete

  训练型运动员  training type athlete

  心理耗竭  psychological burn-out

  应付策略  coping strategy

  心理战术  psychological tactics

  战术意识  tactical consciousness

  战术思维  tactical thinking

  动作暗示  suggestion by action

  赛前心理状态  precompetition psychological state

  赛前冷漠状态  precompetition apathy state

  赛前盲目自信状态  precompetition blind confidence state

  赛前过分激动状态  precompetition overexciting state

  赛前心理准备  precompetition mental preparation

  赛中心理调控  mental adjustment and control in competition

  赛后心理调整  postcompetition mental adjustment

  最佳竞技状态  optimal state of performance

  最佳唤醒水平  optimal arousal level

  流畅状态  state of flow

  运动顶峰体验  peak performance experience

  心理训练  mental training

  心理技能训练  psychological skill training

  表象训练  imagery training

  念动训练  ideo-motor training

  外部表象  external imagery

  内部表象  internal imagery

  视觉-运动行为演练  visual-motor behavioral rehearsal

  注意控制训练  attention control training

  广阔-外部注意  broad-external attention

  广阔-内部注意  broad-internal attention

  狭窄-外部注意  narrow-external attention

  狭窄-内部注意  narrow-internal attention

  目标设置训练  goal setting training

  结果性目标  outcome goal

  操作性目标  operant goal

  自信心训练  self-confidence training

  意志训练  will training

  动机训练  motivation training

  应激控制训练  stress control training

  自生放松  autogenic relaxation

  渐进放松  progressive relaxation

  三线放松  three line relaxation

  他人暗示  other's suggestion

  自我暗示  self-suggestion

  思维控制训练  thinking control training

  模拟训练  simulation training

  运动习惯  exercise habit

  运动成瘾  exercise addiction

  观众效应  audience effect

  主场优势  home court advantage

  观众心理  audience psychology

  工具性攻击  instrumental aggression

  反应性攻击  reactive aggression

  教练员指导方式  style of coaching

  运动心理选材  psychological selection in sports

  运动心理诊断  psychodiagnosis in sports

  冰山剖面图  iceberg profile

  滑动模型  gliding model

  认知训练  cognitive training

  应用心理学  applied psychology

  军事心理学  military psychology

  战士心理学  psychology of soldier

  伪装  camouflage

  特殊环境心理学  psychology of special environment

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