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  • 医学英语阅读:隔离MRSA病人并不能防止细菌传播

    作者:jaminsu    文章来源:医学教育网    点击数:    更新时间:2013/4/13

      Isolating MRSA patients in ICU ineffective

      Researchers today said that isolating intensive care patients infected with MRSA does nothing to prevent the spread of the bacteria to other patients and is a waste of nurses' time.

      Research published in The Lancet is based on a study of MRSA acquisition rates at ICUs in two London teaching hospitals.

      The 1-year prospective study involved a comparison of rates between periods when colonized patients were or were not placed in isolation.

      Standard contact protocols and handwashing were encouraged throughout both periods.

      There was no evidence that patient isolation significantly decreased (or increased) MRSA acquisition rates.

      No change in MRSA transmission patterns or handwashing frequency was observed between the periods.

      Co-author Geoffrey Bellingan, of University College Hospital, London said the findings meant his trust has instituted a policy of non-isolation for ICU patients colonised with MRSA.

      'There has been no increase in MRSA rates since we instituted this policy, but there has been a dramatic drop in the number of times patients are moved. That's important because frequent movement incurs a risk to critically ill patients and it also uses up nursing and staff time,' he said.

      研究人员今天表示,对感染MRSA (甲氧西林耐药金黄色葡萄球菌)的特别监护病人进行隔离并不能防止细菌向其他病人的传播,隔离只是浪费护士的时间。

      这项研究成果就刊登在the Lancet上,研究人员在为期一年的前瞻性研究中,对伦敦两家教育医院ICU病房的MRSA感染患者进行了研究。并对隔离和未隔离病人的感染率进行了比较。研究期间遵守了相关的接触及洗手规定。结果显示,没有任何证据表明病人隔离可以极大地减少或增加MRSA的获得率。同时,也未观察到在MRSA传播方式或洗手次数上有任何变化。

      作者之一的Geoffrey Bellingan说,他认为应该为感染MRSAR ICU病人制订一贡无隔离政策。“在我们制订这项政策后,MRSA率并没有上升,但是病人移动的次数却大大减少了。这一点很重要,因为频繁移动会增加重病病人的危险,同时也会消耗护理及其他人员的时间”


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