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  • 医疗器械名称中英文对照:临床化学和临床毒理学器械

    作者:jaminsu    文章来源:医学教育网    点击数:    更新时间:2013/1/13

    节号  中译文  原英文 
    A亚部――总则(General Provisions) 
    862.1  范围  Scope 
    862.2  定标器的规则   Regulation of calibrators 
    862.3  有关上市前批准生效日期的要求  Effective dates of requirement for premarket approval 
    862.9   联邦食品、药品和化妆品法(Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act,FDCA)第510(k)节的豁免限制  Limitations of exemptions from section 510(k) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the act). 
    B亚部――临床化学检测系统(Clinical Chemistry Test Systems) 
    862.1020  酸性磷酸酶(量或前列腺)测系统  Acid phosphatase (total or prostatic test system 
    862.1025  促肾上腺皮质激素检测系统   Adrenocorticotropic hormone [ACTH] test system 
    862.1030  丙胺酸转氨酶检测系统   Alanine amino transferase [ALT/SGPT] test system 
    862.1035  白蛋白检测系统   Albumin test system  
    862.1040  醛缩酶检测系统   Aldolase test system 
    862.1045  醛甾酮检测系统   Aldosterone test system 
    862.1050  碱性磷酸酶或同功酶检测系统   Alkaline phosphatase or isoenzymes test system  
    862.1060  δ-氨基乙酰丙酸检测系统   Delta-aminolevulinic acid test system  
    862.1065  氨检测系统   Ammonia test system  
    862.1070  淀粉酶检测系统   Amylase test system  
    862.1075  雄(甾)烯二酮检测系统  Androstenedione test system 
    862.1080  雄甾酮检测系统   Androsterone test system 
    862.1085  血管紧缩素I 和肾素检测系统   Angiotensin I and renin test system 
    862.1090  血管紧缩素转化酶(A.C.E.)检测系统  Angiotensin converting enzyme [A.C.E.] test system 
    862.1095  抗坏血酸维生素C检测系统   Ascorbic acid test system  
    862.1100  天门冬氨酸酯转氨酶检测系统   Aspartate amino transferase [AST/SGOT] test system  
    862.1110  胆红素(总量或直接)检测系统  Bilirubin [total or direct] test system 
    862.1113  婴儿体内胆红素(总量和非结合)检测系统  Bilirubin [total and unbound] in the neonate test system 
    862.1115  尿液胆红素及其共轭物(非定量)检测系统  Urinary bilirubin and its conjugates [nonquantitative] test system 
    862.1117  B-型促尿钠排泄缩氨酸检测系统   B-type natriuretic peptide test system  
    862.1118  生物素化物酶检测系统   Biotinidase test system 
    862.1120  血液气体(PCO2, PO2)和血液pH值检测系统  Blood gases [PCO2, PO2] and blood pH test system 
    862.1130  血容量检测系统   Blood volume test system 
    862.1135  胰岛素原C-缩氨酸检测系统   C-peptides of proinsulin test system 
    862.1140  降血钙素检测系统   Calcitonin test system 
    862.1145  钙检测系统   Calcium test system 
    862.1150  定标器   Calibrator 
    862.1155  人绒毛膜促性(HCG)检测系统腺激素  Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) test system 
    862.1160  碳酸氢钠/二氧化碳检测系统   Bicarbonate/carbon dioxide test system 
    862.1165  儿茶酚胺(总量)检测系统  Catecholamines (total) test system 
    862.1170  氯化物检测系统   Chloride test system 
    862.1175  胆固醇检测系统   Cholesterol (total) test system 
    862.1177  胆酰甘氨酸检测系统   Cholylglycine test system 
    862.1180  糜蛋白酶检测系统   Chymotrypsin test system 
    862.1185  化合物S(11-脱氧皮质甾醇)检测系统  Compound S (11-deoxycortisol) test system 
    862.1187  共轭硫代石胆酸(SLCG)检测系统  Conjugated sulfolithocholic acid (SLCG) test system 
    862.1190  铜检测系统   Copper test system 
    862.1195   肾上腺皮质类脂醇检测系统  C orticoids test system 
    862.1200   肾上腺酮检测系统  Corticosterone test system 
    862.1205  皮质甾醇(氢化可的松和羟基皮质甾酮)检测系统  Cortisol (hydrocortisone and hydroxycorticosterone) test system 
    862.1210  肌氨酸检测系统   Creatine test system 
    862.1215  肌氨酸磷酸激酶/肌酸激酶或同功酶检测系统   Creatine phosphokinase/creatine kinase or isoenzymes test system  
    862.1225   肌氨酸酐检测系统  Creatinine test system 
    862.1230   环磷酸腺苷检测系统  Cyclic AMP test system 
    862.1235   环孢霉素检测系统  Cyclosporine test system 
    862.1240  胱氨酸检测系统   Cystine test system 
    862.1245   脱氢异雄甾酮(游离和硫酸盐)检测系统  Dehydroepiandrosterone  
    862.1250  去氧皮质酮检测系统   Desoxycorticosterone test system 
    862.1255  2,3- 二磷酸甘油酸检测系统   2,3-Diphosphoglyceric acid test system 
    862.1260  雌二醇检测系统   Estradiol test system 
    862.1265  雌激素三醇检测系统   Estriol test system 
    862.1270  雌性激素(总量,怀孕期)检测系统  Estrogens (total, in pregnancy) test system 
    862.1275  雌性激素(总量,非怀孕期)检测系统  Estrogens (total, nonpregnancy) test system 
    862.1280  雌激素酮检测系统   Estrone test system 
    862.1285  本胆烷醇酮检测系统   Etiocholanolone test system  
    862.1290  脂肪酸检测系统   Fatty acids test system 
    862.1295  叶酸检测系统   Folic acid test system 
    862.1300  促卵泡激素检测系统   Follicle-stimulating hormone test system 
    862.1305  亚胺甲基谷氨酸(FIGLU)检测系统  Formiminoglutamic acid (FIGLU) test system 
    862.1310  半乳糖检测系统   Galactose test system 
    862.1315  半乳糖-1-磷酸盐铀酰转移酶检测系统   Galactose-1-phosphate uridyl transferase test system 
    862.1320  胃酸度检测系统   Gastric acidity test system 
    862.1325  胃泌激素检测系统   Gastrin test system 
    862.1330  球蛋白检测系统   Globulin test system 
    862.1335  胰高血糖素检测系统   Glucagon test system 
    862.1340  尿糖  Urinary glucose (nonquantitative) test system 
    862.1345  葡萄糖检测系统   Glucose test system 
    862.1360  γ-谷胺酰转肽酶和同功酶检测系统   Gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase and isoenzymes test system 
    862.1365  谷胱甘肽检测系统   Glutathione test system 
    862.1370  人的生长激素检测系统   Human growth hormone test system 
    862.1375  组氨酸检测系统   Histidine test system 
    862.1377  尿高胱氨酸(非定量)检测系统  Urinary homocystine (nonquantitative) test system 
    862.1380  羟基丁酸脱氢酶检测系统   Hydroxybutyric dehydrogenase test system 
    862.1385  17-羟基皮质类固醇(17-生酮类固醇)检测系统  17-Hydroxycorticosteroids(17-ketogenic steroids)test system  
    862.1390  5-羟基吲哚乙酸/血液复合胺检测系统   5-Hydroxyindole acetic acid/serotonin test system 
    862.1395  17-羟基孕酮检测系统   17-Hydroxyprogesterone test system 
    862.1400  羟(基)脯氨酸检测系统  Hydroxyproline test system 
    862.1405  免疫反应性胰岛素检测系统   Immunoreactive insulin test system 
    862.1410  铁(非亚铁血红素)检测系统  Iron (non-heme) test system 
    862.1415  铁结合能检测系统   Iron-binding capacity test system 
    862.1420  异柠檬酸脱氢酶检测系统   Isocitric dehydrogenase test system 
    862.1430  17-酮类固醇检测系统   17-Ketosteroids test system 
    862.1435  酮(非定量)检测系统  Ketones (nonquantitative) test system 
    862.1440  乳酸脱氢酶检测系统   Lactate dehydrogenase test system  
    862.1445  乳酸脱氢酶同功酶检测系统   Lactate dehydrogenase isoenzymes test system 
    862.1450  乳酸检测系统   Lactic acid test system  
    862.1455  羊水内卵磷脂/鞘磷脂比率检测系统   Lecithin/sphingomyelin ratio in amniotic fluid test system 
    862.1460  亮氨酸氨基肽酶检测系统  Leucine aminopeptidase test system  
    862.1465  脂肪酶检测系统   Lipase test system 
    862.1470  脂肪(总量)检测系统  Lipid (total) test system 
    862.1475  脂蛋白检测系统   Lipoprotein test system 
    862.1485  促黄体生成激素检测系统   Luteinizing hormone test system 
    862.1490  溶解酵素(溶菌酶)检测系统  Lysozyme (muramidase) test system 
    862.1495  镁检测系统   Magnesium test system 
    862.1500  苹果酸脱氢酶检测系统   Malic dehydrogenase test system 
    862.1505  黏多糖(非定量)检测系统  Mucopolysaccharides (nonquantitative) test system 
    862.1509  甲基丙二酸(非定量)检测系  统 (nonquantitative) test system 
    862.1510  亚硝酸盐检测系统   Nitrite (nonquantitative) test system 
    862.1515  氮(氨基氮)检测系统  Nitrogen( amino-nitrogen) test system 
    862.1520  5′-核苷酸酶检测系统   5′-Nucleotidase test system 
    862.1530  血浆渗透压检测系统   Plasma oncometry test system 
    862.1535  鸟氨酸氨基甲酰转移酶检测系统   Ornithine carbamyl transferase test system 
    862.1540  同渗重摩检测系统   Osmolality test system 
    862.1542  草酸盐检测系统   Oxalate test system 
    862.1545  甲状旁腺激素检测系统   Parathyroid hormone test system 
    862.1550  尿液pH值检测系统  Urinary pH (nonquantitative) test system) 
    862.1555  苯基丙氨酸检测系统   Phenylalanine test system 
    862.1560  尿液苯丙酮(非定量)检测系统  Urinary phenylketones (nonquantitative) test system 
    862.1565  6-磷酸葡萄糖酸脱氢酶检测系统   6-Phosphogluconate dehydrogenase test system 
    862.1570   磷酸己糖异构酶检测系统  Phosphohexose isomerase test system 
    862.1575  磷脂检测系统   Phospholipid test system 
    862.1580  磷(无机的)检测系统  Phosphorus (inorganic) test system 
    862.1585  人胎盘催乳激素检测系统   Human placental lactogen test system 
    862.1590  胆色素原检测系统   Porphobilinogen test system 
    862.1595  卟啉检测系统   Porphyrins test system 
    862.1600  钾检测系统   Potassium test system  
    862.1605  孕二醇检测系统   Pregnanediol test system 
    862.1610  孕三醇检测系统   Pregnanetriol test system 
    862.1615  孕烯醇酮检测系统   Pregnenolone test system 
    862.1620  黄体酮检测系统   Progesterone test system 
    862.1625  泌乳刺激素(催乳激素)检测系统  Prolactin (lactogen) test system 
    862.1630  蛋白质(分馏法)检测系统  Protein (fractionation) test system 
    862.1635  总蛋白质检测系统   Total protein test system 
    862.1640  蛋白结合碘检测系统   Protein-bound iodine test system 
    862.1645  尿蛋白或白蛋白(非定量)检测系统  Urinary protein or albumin (nonquantitative) test system 
    862.1650  丙酮酸激酶检测系统   Pyruvate kinase test system 
    862.1655  丙酮酸检测系统   Pyruvic acid test system 
    862.1660  质量控制材料(已分析和未分析)  Quality control material(assayed and unassayed) 
    862.1665  钠检测系统   Sodium test system 
    862.1670  山梨醇脱氢酶检测系统   Sorbitol dehydrogenase test system 
    862.1675  血样采集器   Blood specimen collection device 
    862.1678  血流谱检测系统   Tacrolimus test system 
    862.1680  睾丸激素检测系统   Testosterone test system 
    862.1685  甲状腺素结合球蛋白检测系统   Thyroxine-binding globulin test system 
    862.1690  促甲状腺激素检测系统   Thyroid stimulating hormone test system 
    862.1695  游离甲状腺素检测系统   Free thyroxine test system 
    862.1700  总甲状腺素检测系统   Total thyroxine test system 
    862.1705  甘油三酸酯检测系统   Triglyceride test system 
    862.1710  总三碘甲状腺氨酸检测系统   Total triiodothyronine test system 
    862.1715  三碘甲状腺氨酸吸收检测系统  Triiodothyronine uptake test system 
    862.1720  磷酸丙糖异构酶检测系统   Triose phosphate isomerase test system 
    862.1725  胰岛素检测系统   Trypsin test system 
    862.1730  游离酪氨酸检测系统   Free tyrosine test system 
    862.1770  脲氮检测系统   Urea nitrogen test system 
    862.1775  尿酸检测系统   Uric acid test system 
    862.1780  尿结石检测系统   Urinary calculi (stones) test system 
    862.1785  尿胆素原*非定量)检测系统  Urinary urobilinogen (nonquantitative) test system 
    862.1790  尿卟啉检测系统   Uroporphyrin test system 
    862.1795  万古霉素盐酸检测系统   Vanilmandelic acid test system 
    862.1805  维生素A检测系统   Vitamin A test system 
    862.1810  维生素B12检测系统   Vitamin B12(test system) 
    862.1815  维生素E检测系统   Vitamin E test system 
    862.1820  戊醛糖检测系统   Xylose test system 
    862.1825  维生素D检测系统   Vitamin D test system 
    C亚部――临床实验室器具(Clinical Laboratory Instruments) 
    862.2050  特殊医疗用的通用实验室设备   General purpose laboratory equipment labeled or promoted for a specific medical use 
    862.2100  临床用计算器/数据处理模块   Calculator/data processing module for clinical use 
    862.2140  临床用离心化学分析仪   Centrifugal chemistry analyzer for clinical use 
    862.2150  临床用连续流动多重化学分析仪   Continuous flow sequential multiple chemistry analyzer for clinical use 
    862.2160  临床用离散光度测定化学分析仪   Discrete photometric chemistry analyzer for clinical use 
    862.2170  临床用微量化学分析仪   Micro chemistry analyzer for clinical use 
    862.2230  临床用色析法分离材料   Chromatographic separation material for clinical use 
    862.2250  临床用气相液相色谱分析系统   Gas liquid chromatography system for clinical use 
    862.2260  临床用高效液相色谱分析系统   High pressure liquid chromatography system for clinical use 
    862.2270  临床用薄层色谱分析系统  Thin-layer chromatography system for clinical use 
    862.2300  临床用色度计、光度计或分光光度计   Colorimeter, photometer, or spectrophotometer for clinical use 
    862.2310  临床试样浓缩器   Clinical sample concentrator 
    862.2320  临床用β或γ计数器   Beta or gamma counter for clinical use 
    862.2400  临床用显像密度计/扫描仪(一体化、反射、薄层色谱分析或放射色谱图)  Densitometer/scanner (integrating, reflectance, TLC, or radiochromatogram) for clinical use 
    862.2485  临床用电泳器   Electrophoresis apparatus for clinical use 
    862.2500  临床用酶分析仪   Enzyme analyzer for clinical use 
    862.2540  临床用火焰发光光度计   Flame emission photometer for clinical use 
    862.2560  临床用荧光计   Fluorometer for clinical use 
    862.2680  临床用微量滴定仪   Microtitrator for clinical use 
    862.2700  临床用浊度计   Nephelometer for clinical use 
    862.2720  临床用血浆渗透压计   Plasma oncometer for clinical use 
    862.2730  临床用渗压计   Osmometer for clinical use 
    862.2750  临床用吸液和稀释系统   Pipetting and diluting system for clinical use 
    862.2800  临床用折射计   Refractometer for clinical use 
    862.2850  临床用原子吸收分光光度计   Atomic absorption spectrophotometer for clinical use 
    862.2860  临床用质谱仪   Mass spectrometer for clinical use 
    862.2900  自动尿分析系统   Automated urinalysis system 
    862.2920  临床用血浆黏度计   Plasma viscometer for clinical use 
    D亚部 ――临床毒理学检测系统(Clinical Toxicology Tset Systems) 
    862.3030  醋氨酚检测系统   Acetaminophen test system 
    862.3035  氨基羟丁基卡那霉素A检测系统   Amikacin test system 
    862.3040  酒精检测系统   Alcohol test system 
    862.3050  呼吸中酒精检测系统   Breath-alcohol test system 
    862.3080  呼吸中氧化一氮检测系统   Breath nitric oxide test system 
    862.3100  安非他明检测系统   Amphetamine test system 
    862.3110  锑检测系统   Antimony test system 
    862.3120  砷检测系统   Arsenic test system 
    862.3150  巴比妥酸盐检测系统   Barbiturate test system 
    862.3170  苯(并)二氮检测系统  (Benzodiazepine test system) 
    862.3200  临床毒理学定标器   Clinical toxicology calibrator 
    862.3220  一氧化碳检测系统   Carbon monoxide test system 
    862.3240  胆碱脂酶检测系统   Cholinesterase test system 
    862.3250  可卡因和可卡因代谢物检测系统   Cocaine and cocaine metabolite test system 
    862.3270  可待因检测系统   Codeine test system 
    862.3280  临床毒理学对照材料   Clinical toxicology control material 
    862.3300  洋地黄毒苷检测系统   Digitoxin test system 
    862.3320  异羟洋地黄毒苷检测系统   Digoxin test system 
    862.3350  苯妥英检测系统   Diphenylhydantoin test system 
    862.3380  乙琥胺检测系统   Ethosuximide test system 
    862.3450  庆大霉素检测系统   Gentamicin test system 
    862.3520  卡那徽素检测系统   Kanamycin test system 
    862.3550  铅检测系统   Lead test system 
    862.3555  利多卡因检测系统   Lidocaine test system 
    862.3560  锂检测系统   Lithium test system 
    862.3580  麦角酸酰二乙胺(LSD)检测系统  Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) test system 
    862.3600  汞检测系统   Mercury test system 
    862.3610  脱氧麻黄碱检测系统   Methamphetamine test system 
    862.3620  美沙酮检测系统   Methadone test system 
    862.3630  安眠酮检测系统   Methaqualone test system 
    862.3640  吗啡检测系统   Morphine test system 
    862.3645  精神抑制药放射性受体测定系统   Neuroleptic drugs radioreceptor assay test system 
    862.3650  鸦片剂检测系统   Opiate test system 
    862.3660  镇定安眠剂检测系统   Phenobarbital test system 
    862.3670  吩噻嗪检测系统   Phenothiazine test system 
    862.3680  普里米酮检测系统   Primidone test system 
    862.3700  丙氧芬检测系统   Propoxyphene test system 
    862.3750  奎宁检测系统   Quinine test system 
    862.3830  水杨酸盐检测系统   Salicylate test system 
    862.3850  磺胺药物检测系统   Sulfonamide test system 
    862.3870  大麻化学成分检测系统   Cannabinoid test system 
    862.3880  茶碱检测系统   Theophylline test system 
    862.3900  托普霉素检测系统   Tobramycin test system 
    862.3910  三环抗抑郁药检测系统   Tricyclic antidepressant drugs test system 
    862.3950  万古霉素检测系统   Vancomycin test system 


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